sustainable design
We bring experience with a wide range of rating and design frameworks that support sustainable, resilient, and regenerative design. We use them as frameworks to guide our work, regardless of whether a project is pursuing certification. Common themes can be found across all frameworks, which we have illustrated in our regenerative planning tool below.
We measure the planned impact of our designs with metrics. Some metrics are visible (water, daylight, materials, waste, landscape), some seem ephemeral but are measurable (energy, carbon), and some are critical but difficult to quantify (equity, beauty, resilience). We work with our clients to set goals ranging from standard building practices that are exploitative, to ambitious regenerative and resilient practices. We realize that not all projects can achieve regenerative status in all categories, so we identify areas of focus that are feasible and priorities that are most impactful to the specific context of each project: place, people, institutional structure, resources, and economic models.